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I wander...don't know where I'm going...just know that what I seek is not within these walls...go out...I move around...I see people...but they can't see me, and I can't touch their worlds....I can't bridge the gap to being their kind of real...I search...maybe for something I will never find...maybe for someone like me...anouther lost soul...anouther alone in the night...night of the soul, night of the mind, or night of the sky...they are all the is all dark...I don't see anyone else alone...everyone I see has their own worlds...their own reality...their own I quite for tonight and widthdrawl from the grass...there is one slightly comforting/disturbing thought...I hope the reason I can find no one like me is because there is none...maybe everyone else has some light to hold....
Maybe one day, I'll join their world...or maybe transend it...or maybe just die...but it hasn't killed me yet...I am too much of a stuborn bastard.

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