Reality bends. Reality is not fixed. Well, as often with this sort of fun some definitions have to established. Lets assume that the common set of reality that is apparent and true will refered to as xReality or xR. My perception of that universe will be refered to as iReality or iR. iReality bends. I felt it moving a while ago as I was reading this book. (The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin) It made me think and therefor my iReality was modifed. I now look at things in a slightly diffrent way. Suppose my iReality is graph of a line. And suppose xReality is a diffrent line. Sometimes things move the iR to be more like the x, but sometimes not. It is often very hard to tell becasue all a person can see is the i. Never the x. The only way to see x is if i=x and there is no way to prove that is the case. My general theory is that a persons iReality is usally fairly similar to xReality (at least if you stood far away they would take a similar shape). Up close there are problem alot of little imperfections. Imperfections between what we feel is real and what is actualy real. Some people on some issues might be really off. I am certain this is the case with many people, myself included. The only time when it really matters when the iR and xR are difrent is when experience makes it matter. This happens to me fairly often...I have my little outlook on life, and something hard forces me to change that outlook suddenly. That is usally a painful or at least upsetting process. Kinda like walking and not noticing a single step down. You probably will remain standing, but when you expected a hard surface to step on and found empty air, you were a little startled and offbalance untill you adapted. So basicly xReality will occasionaly beat your iReality more into place. But I think if it does it hard, you over correct and it fucks up. For example, suppose you have a dent in some peice of metal. Suppose you wish to flatten it by hitting it with a rubber mallet. Suppose you hit it just a little to hard. The dent might become revesred. Rather than being above the surface of the plane you are trying to get it match, it is not below. You have over corrected. I think hard hits of reality are very similar to this. There is also the non-violent reforming of iR that when I was reading that book and thinking about things. These changes are usally small, but can be big and are usally not painful. So these are ways that iR can be changed. Then the question must be asked, should we all have a goal of iR=xR? I would say no. Having iR not equal to xR allows us to accept things that are not true so that we can get things done. I don't think I could manage with a full understanding of reality. It would be disturbing. Suppose we consider xR a set of nearly infinite data points. that is too much information...we need a way of simplifying some of that and representing it as something we can work with. to explain this. Suppose we have a huge set of data (1,4.98) (2,7.1) (3,8.89) (4,11.01)...etc(keeps on going) These points are xR. They are hard facts and accurate. And mostly useless to us because they are hard to visualize. If we don't mind a little inaccuracy we can represent those points in a way we can deal with them. They happen to all be near y=2x+3. Therefor for the sake of having a simple realtionship to remember rather than a large set of data points, we can greatly reduce the data we have to process without great accuracy loss. Leaving the math scene...anouther example of this would be like rather than saying Bob dosen't shower, bob smells. Mary does shower, mary dosen't smell. Frank lives in a dumpster, frank smells...etc. We can simplfy that to a statement like bad hygene causes bad smells. This statement is much more usefull because it can be applied to other people without actually smelling them. But any statement like this is going to have some inacuracies. I'm sure somewhere there is a person who dosen't shower and somehow manages to not smell of vice versa. We have to analize what sort of data loss is acceptable for increased data simplification. Basicly what I am saying is, iR should not be the same as xR, but your iR should be such that you can get done whatever you want to do, and close enough to xR that reality wont smack you back into place too hard.
I'm done. Night.
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