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Package com.amazonaws.metrics

Classes used to support the AWS SDK metrics API.

See: Description

Package com.amazonaws.metrics Description

Classes used to support the AWS SDK metrics API. When the default metric collection system is enabled, the default AWS SDK implementation captures a set of predefined core metrics that are grouped under three major categories: AWS Request Metrics, AWS Service Metrics, and Machine Metrics.


AWS Request Metrics

  1. ClientExecuteTime - Total number of milliseconds taken for a request/response including the time taken to execute the request handlers, round trip to AWS, and the time taken to execute the response handlers. Captured on a per request type level.
  2. Exception - Number of logical request failure. Captured both on a per service client type level and a per request type level.
  3. HttpClientPoolAvailableCount - Number of idle persistent connections of the underlying httpclient. This metric is collected from the respective PoolStats before the connection of a request is obtained.
  4. HttpClientPoolLeasedCount - Number of persistent connections tracked by the underlying httpclient connection manager currently being used to execute requests. This metric is collected from the respective PoolStats before the connection of a request is obtained.
  5. HttpClientPoolPendingCount - Number of connection requests being blocked awaiting a free connection of the underlying httpclient. This metric is collected from the respective PoolStats. before the connection of a request is obtained
  6. HttpRequestTime - Number of milliseconds taken for a logical request/response round trip to AWS. Captured on a per request type level.
  7. HttpClientSendRequestTime - Number of milliseconds taken for a physical request to get sent to AWS. Captured on a per request type level.
  8. HttpClientReceiveResponseTime - Number of milliseconds taken for a physical response to get received from AWS. Captured on a per request type level.
  9. HttpClientRetryCount - Number of retries per physical request. Captured on a per service client type level.
  10. RequestCount - Number of logical requests. Captured on a per service client type level.
  11. RetryCount - Number of retries per logical request. Captured on a per service client type level.
  12. ThrottleException - Number of times of a request has been throttled by the service.
  13. DynamoDBConsumedCapacity - Number of Amazon DynamoDB capacity units consumed. Captured on a per request type level, and is only available if the request has been specified with the necessary "ReturnConsumedCapacity" parameter.

AWS Service Metrics

  1. HttpClientGetConnectionTime - Total number of milliseconds taken for the underlying http client library to get a connection.
  2. S3DownloadThroughput - Number of bytes downloaded from S3 per second.
  3. S3DownloadByteCount - Number of bytes downloaded from S3.
  4. S3UploadThroughput - Number of bytes uploaded to S3 per second.
  5. S3UploadByteCount - Number of bytes uploaded to S3.

Machine Metrics


  1. TotalMemory - Total amount of memory currently available to the JVM for current and future objects, measured in bytes. This value may vary over time, depending on the host environment.
  2. FreeMemory - An approximation to the total amount of memory currently available to the JVM for future allocated objects, measured in bytes.
  3. UsedMemory - TotalMemory minus FreeMemory.
  4. SpareMemory - The maximum amount of memory that the JVM will attempt to use, measured in bytes, minus UsedMemory.


  1. ThreadCount - The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads.
  2. DeadLockThreadCount - The number of threads that are deadlocked waiting for object monitors or ownable synchronizers, if any. Threads are deadlocked in a cycle waiting for a lock of these two types if each thread owns one lock while trying to acquire another lock already held by another thread in the cycle. No metrics is generated when the value is zero.
  3. DaemonThreadCount - The current number of live daemon threads. No metrics is generated when the value is zero.
  4. PeakThreadCount - The peak live thread count since the JVM started or since the peak was reset.
  5. TotalStartedThreadCount - The total number of threads created and also started since the JVM started.

File Descriptors

  1. OpenFileDescriptorCount - Number of opened file descriptors of the operating system.
  2. SpareFileDescriptorCount - Maximum number of file descriptors of the operating system minus OpenFileDescriptorCount.
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