Class | Description |
AcknowledgeJobRequest |
Represents the input of an AcknowledgeJob action.
AcknowledgeJobResult |
Represents the output of an AcknowledgeJob action.
AcknowledgeThirdPartyJobRequest |
Represents the input of an AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob action.
AcknowledgeThirdPartyJobResult |
Represents the output of an AcknowledgeThirdPartyJob action.
ActionConfiguration |
Represents information about an action configuration.
ActionConfigurationProperty |
Represents information about an action configuration property.
ActionContext |
Represents the context of an action within the stage of a pipeline to a job worker.
ActionDeclaration |
Represents information about an action declaration.
ActionExecution |
Represents information about the run of an action.
ActionRevision |
Represents information about the version (or revision) of an action.
ActionState |
Represents information about the state of an action.
ActionType |
Returns information about the details of an action type.
ActionTypeId |
Represents information about an action type.
ActionTypeSettings |
Returns information about the settings for an action type.
ApprovalResult |
Represents information about the result of an approval request.
Artifact |
Represents information about an artifact that will be worked upon by actions in the pipeline.
ArtifactDetails |
Returns information about the details of an artifact.
ArtifactLocation |
Represents information about the location of an artifact.
ArtifactRevision |
Represents revision details of an artifact.
ArtifactStore |
The Amazon S3 bucket where artifacts are stored for the pipeline.
AWSSessionCredentials |
Represents an AWS session credentials object.
BlockerDeclaration |
Reserved for future use.
CreateCustomActionTypeRequest |
Represents the input of a CreateCustomActionType operation.
CreateCustomActionTypeResult |
Represents the output of a CreateCustomActionType operation.
CreatePipelineRequest |
Represents the input of a CreatePipeline action.
CreatePipelineResult |
Represents the output of a CreatePipeline action.
CurrentRevision |
Represents information about a current revision.
DeleteCustomActionTypeRequest |
Represents the input of a DeleteCustomActionType operation.
DeleteCustomActionTypeResult | |
DeletePipelineRequest |
Represents the input of a DeletePipeline action.
DeletePipelineResult | |
DisableStageTransitionRequest |
Represents the input of a DisableStageTransition action.
DisableStageTransitionResult | |
EnableStageTransitionRequest |
Represents the input of an EnableStageTransition action.
EnableStageTransitionResult | |
EncryptionKey |
Represents information about the key used to encrypt data in the artifact store, such as an AWS Key Management
Service (AWS KMS) key.
ErrorDetails |
Represents information about an error in AWS CodePipeline.
ExecutionDetails |
The details of the actions taken and results produced on an artifact as it passes through stages in the pipeline.
FailureDetails |
Represents information about failure details.
GetJobDetailsRequest |
Represents the input of a GetJobDetails action.
GetJobDetailsResult |
Represents the output of a GetJobDetails action.
GetPipelineExecutionRequest |
Represents the input of a GetPipelineExecution action.
GetPipelineExecutionResult |
Represents the output of a GetPipelineExecution action.
GetPipelineRequest |
Represents the input of a GetPipeline action.
GetPipelineResult |
Represents the output of a GetPipeline action.
GetPipelineStateRequest |
Represents the input of a GetPipelineState action.
GetPipelineStateResult |
Represents the output of a GetPipelineState action.
GetThirdPartyJobDetailsRequest |
Represents the input of a GetThirdPartyJobDetails action.
GetThirdPartyJobDetailsResult |
Represents the output of a GetThirdPartyJobDetails action.
InputArtifact |
Represents information about an artifact to be worked on, such as a test or build artifact.
Job |
Represents information about a job.
JobData |
Represents additional information about a job required for a job worker to complete the job.
JobDetails |
Represents information about the details of a job.
ListActionTypesRequest |
Represents the input of a ListActionTypes action.
ListActionTypesResult |
Represents the output of a ListActionTypes action.
ListPipelineExecutionsRequest |
Represents the input of a ListPipelineExecutions action.
ListPipelineExecutionsResult |
Represents the output of a ListPipelineExecutions action.
ListPipelinesRequest |
Represents the input of a ListPipelines action.
ListPipelinesResult |
Represents the output of a ListPipelines action.
OutputArtifact |
Represents information about the output of an action.
PipelineContext |
Represents information about a pipeline to a job worker.
PipelineDeclaration |
Represents the structure of actions and stages to be performed in the pipeline.
PipelineExecution |
Represents information about an execution of a pipeline.
PipelineExecutionSummary |
Summary information about a pipeline execution.
PipelineMetadata |
Information about a pipeline.
PipelineSummary |
Returns a summary of a pipeline.
PollForJobsRequest |
Represents the input of a PollForJobs action.
PollForJobsResult |
Represents the output of a PollForJobs action.
PollForThirdPartyJobsRequest |
Represents the input of a PollForThirdPartyJobs action.
PollForThirdPartyJobsResult |
Represents the output of a PollForThirdPartyJobs action.
PutActionRevisionRequest |
Represents the input of a PutActionRevision action.
PutActionRevisionResult |
Represents the output of a PutActionRevision action.
PutApprovalResultRequest |
Represents the input of a PutApprovalResult action.
PutApprovalResultResult |
Represents the output of a PutApprovalResult action.
PutJobFailureResultRequest |
Represents the input of a PutJobFailureResult action.
PutJobFailureResultResult | |
PutJobSuccessResultRequest |
Represents the input of a PutJobSuccessResult action.
PutJobSuccessResultResult | |
PutThirdPartyJobFailureResultRequest |
Represents the input of a PutThirdPartyJobFailureResult action.
PutThirdPartyJobFailureResultResult | |
PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResultRequest |
Represents the input of a PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResult action.
PutThirdPartyJobSuccessResultResult | |
RetryStageExecutionRequest |
Represents the input of a RetryStageExecution action.
RetryStageExecutionResult |
Represents the output of a RetryStageExecution action.
S3ArtifactLocation |
The location of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains a revision.
StageContext |
Represents information about a stage to a job worker.
StageDeclaration |
Represents information about a stage and its definition.
StageExecution |
Represents information about the run of a stage.
StageState |
Represents information about the state of the stage.
StartPipelineExecutionRequest |
Represents the input of a StartPipelineExecution action.
StartPipelineExecutionResult |
Represents the output of a StartPipelineExecution action.
ThirdPartyJob |
A response to a PollForThirdPartyJobs request returned by AWS CodePipeline when there is a job to be worked upon by a
partner action.
ThirdPartyJobData |
Represents information about the job data for a partner action.
ThirdPartyJobDetails |
The details of a job sent in response to a GetThirdPartyJobDetails request.
TransitionState |
Represents information about the state of transitions between one stage and another stage.
UpdatePipelineRequest |
Represents the input of an UpdatePipeline action.
UpdatePipelineResult |
Represents the output of an UpdatePipeline action.
Exception | Description |
ActionNotFoundException |
The specified action cannot be found.
ActionTypeNotFoundException |
The specified action type cannot be found.
ApprovalAlreadyCompletedException |
The approval action has already been approved or rejected.
AWSCodePipelineException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS CodePipeline
InvalidActionDeclarationException |
The specified action declaration was specified in an invalid format.
InvalidApprovalTokenException |
The approval request already received a response or has expired.
InvalidBlockerDeclarationException |
Reserved for future use.
InvalidClientTokenException |
The client token was specified in an invalid format
InvalidJobException |
The specified job was specified in an invalid format or cannot be found.
InvalidJobStateException |
The specified job state was specified in an invalid format.
InvalidNextTokenException |
The next token was specified in an invalid format.
InvalidNonceException |
The specified nonce was specified in an invalid format.
InvalidStageDeclarationException |
The specified stage declaration was specified in an invalid format.
InvalidStructureException |
The specified structure was specified in an invalid format.
JobNotFoundException |
The specified job was specified in an invalid format or cannot be found.
LimitExceededException |
The number of pipelines associated with the AWS account has exceeded the limit allowed for the account.
NotLatestPipelineExecutionException |
The stage has failed in a later run of the pipeline and the pipelineExecutionId associated with the request is out of
PipelineExecutionNotFoundException |
The pipeline execution was specified in an invalid format or cannot be found, or an execution ID does not belong to
the specified pipeline.
PipelineNameInUseException |
The specified pipeline name is already in use.
PipelineNotFoundException |
The specified pipeline was specified in an invalid format or cannot be found.
PipelineVersionNotFoundException |
The specified pipeline version was specified in an invalid format or cannot be found.
StageNotFoundException |
The specified stage was specified in an invalid format or cannot be found.
StageNotRetryableException |
The specified stage can't be retried because the pipeline structure or stage state changed after the stage was not
completed; the stage contains no failed actions; one or more actions are still in progress; or another retry attempt
is already in progress.
ValidationException |
The validation was specified in an invalid format.
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