Class | Description |
AddCustomAttributesRequest |
Represents the request to add custom attributes.
AddCustomAttributesResult |
Represents the response from the server for the request to add custom attributes.
AdminAddUserToGroupRequest | |
AdminAddUserToGroupResult | |
AdminConfirmSignUpRequest |
Represents the request to confirm user registration.
AdminConfirmSignUpResult |
Represents the response from the server for the request to confirm registration.
AdminCreateUserConfigType |
The type of configuration for creating a new user profile.
AdminCreateUserRequest |
Represents the request to create a user in the specified user pool.
AdminCreateUserResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to create the user.
AdminDeleteUserAttributesRequest |
Represents the request to delete user attributes as an administrator.
AdminDeleteUserAttributesResult |
Represents the response received from the server for a request to delete user attributes.
AdminDeleteUserRequest |
Represents the request to delete a user as an administrator.
AdminDeleteUserResult | |
AdminDisableProviderForUserRequest | |
AdminDisableProviderForUserResult | |
AdminDisableUserRequest |
Represents the request to disable any user as an administrator.
AdminDisableUserResult |
Represents the response received from the server to disable the user as an administrator.
AdminEnableUserRequest |
Represents the request that enables the user as an administrator.
AdminEnableUserResult |
Represents the response from the server for the request to enable a user as an administrator.
AdminForgetDeviceRequest |
Sends the forgot device request, as an administrator.
AdminForgetDeviceResult | |
AdminGetDeviceRequest |
Represents the request to get the device, as an administrator.
AdminGetDeviceResult |
Gets the device response, as an administrator.
AdminGetUserRequest |
Represents the request to get the specified user as an administrator.
AdminGetUserResult |
Represents the response from the server from the request to get the specified user as an administrator.
AdminInitiateAuthRequest |
Initiates the authorization request, as an administrator.
AdminInitiateAuthResult |
Initiates the authentication response, as an administrator.
AdminLinkProviderForUserRequest | |
AdminLinkProviderForUserResult | |
AdminListDevicesRequest |
Represents the request to list devices, as an administrator.
AdminListDevicesResult |
Lists the device's response, as an administrator.
AdminListGroupsForUserRequest | |
AdminListGroupsForUserResult | |
AdminRemoveUserFromGroupRequest | |
AdminRemoveUserFromGroupResult | |
AdminResetUserPasswordRequest |
Represents the request to reset a user's password as an administrator.
AdminResetUserPasswordResult |
Represents the response from the server to reset a user password as an administrator.
AdminRespondToAuthChallengeRequest |
The request to respond to the authentication challenge, as an administrator.
AdminRespondToAuthChallengeResult |
Responds to the authentication challenge, as an administrator.
AdminSetUserSettingsRequest |
Represents the request to set user settings as an administrator.
AdminSetUserSettingsResult |
Represents the response from the server to set user settings as an administrator.
AdminUpdateDeviceStatusRequest |
The request to update the device status, as an administrator.
AdminUpdateDeviceStatusResult |
The status response from the request to update the device, as an administrator.
AdminUpdateUserAttributesRequest |
Represents the request to update the user's attributes as an administrator.
AdminUpdateUserAttributesResult |
Represents the response from the server for the request to update user attributes as an administrator.
AdminUserGlobalSignOutRequest |
The request to sign out of all devices, as an administrator.
AdminUserGlobalSignOutResult |
The global sign-out response, as an administrator.
AttributeType |
Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.
AuthenticationResultType |
The result type of the authentication result.
ChangePasswordRequest |
Represents the request to change a user password.
ChangePasswordResult |
The response from the server to the change password request.
CodeDeliveryDetailsType |
The type of code delivery details being returned from the server.
ConfirmDeviceRequest |
Confirms the device request.
ConfirmDeviceResult |
Confirms the device response.
ConfirmForgotPasswordRequest |
The request representing the confirmation for a password reset.
ConfirmForgotPasswordResult |
The response from the server that results from a user's request to retrieve a forgotten password.
ConfirmSignUpRequest |
Represents the request to confirm registration of a user.
ConfirmSignUpResult |
Represents the response from the server for the registration confirmation.
CreateGroupRequest | |
CreateGroupResult | |
CreateIdentityProviderRequest | |
CreateIdentityProviderResult | |
CreateResourceServerRequest | |
CreateResourceServerResult | |
CreateUserImportJobRequest |
Represents the request to create the user import job.
CreateUserImportJobResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to create the user import job.
CreateUserPoolClientRequest |
Represents the request to create a user pool client.
CreateUserPoolClientResult |
Represents the response from the server to create a user pool client.
CreateUserPoolDomainRequest | |
CreateUserPoolDomainResult | |
CreateUserPoolRequest |
Represents the request to create a user pool.
CreateUserPoolResult |
Represents the response from the server for the request to create a user pool.
DeleteGroupRequest | |
DeleteGroupResult | |
DeleteIdentityProviderRequest | |
DeleteIdentityProviderResult | |
DeleteResourceServerRequest | |
DeleteResourceServerResult | |
DeleteUserAttributesRequest |
Represents the request to delete user attributes.
DeleteUserAttributesResult |
Represents the response from the server to delete user attributes.
DeleteUserPoolClientRequest |
Represents the request to delete a user pool client.
DeleteUserPoolClientResult | |
DeleteUserPoolDomainRequest | |
DeleteUserPoolDomainResult | |
DeleteUserPoolRequest |
Represents the request to delete a user pool.
DeleteUserPoolResult | |
DeleteUserRequest |
Represents the request to delete a user.
DeleteUserResult | |
DescribeIdentityProviderRequest | |
DescribeIdentityProviderResult | |
DescribeResourceServerRequest | |
DescribeResourceServerResult | |
DescribeUserImportJobRequest |
Represents the request to describe the user import job.
DescribeUserImportJobResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to describe the user import job.
DescribeUserPoolClientRequest |
Represents the request to describe a user pool client.
DescribeUserPoolClientResult |
Represents the response from the server from a request to describe the user pool client.
DescribeUserPoolDomainRequest | |
DescribeUserPoolDomainResult | |
DescribeUserPoolRequest |
Represents the request to describe the user pool.
DescribeUserPoolResult |
Represents the response to describe the user pool.
DeviceConfigurationType |
The type of configuration for the user pool's device tracking.
DeviceSecretVerifierConfigType |
The device verifier against which it will be authenticated.
DeviceType |
The device type.
DomainDescriptionType |
A container for information about a domain.
EmailConfigurationType |
The email configuration type.
ForgetDeviceRequest |
Represents the request to forget the device.
ForgetDeviceResult | |
ForgotPasswordRequest |
Represents the request to reset a user's password.
ForgotPasswordResult |
Respresents the response from the server regarding the request to reset a password.
GetCSVHeaderRequest |
Represents the request to get the header information for the .csv file for the user import job.
GetCSVHeaderResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to get the header information for the .csv file for the user
import job.
GetDeviceRequest |
Represents the request to get the device.
GetDeviceResult |
Gets the device response.
GetGroupRequest | |
GetGroupResult | |
GetIdentityProviderByIdentifierRequest | |
GetIdentityProviderByIdentifierResult | |
GetUICustomizationRequest | |
GetUICustomizationResult | |
GetUserAttributeVerificationCodeRequest |
Represents the request to get user attribute verification.
GetUserAttributeVerificationCodeResult |
The verification code response returned by the server response to get the user attribute verification code.
GetUserRequest |
Represents the request to get information about the user.
GetUserResult |
Represents the response from the server from the request to get information about the user.
GlobalSignOutRequest |
Represents the request to sign out all devices.
GlobalSignOutResult |
The response to the request to sign out all devices.
GroupType |
The group type.
IdentityProviderType |
A container for information about an identity provider.
InitiateAuthRequest |
Initiates the authentication request.
InitiateAuthResult |
Initiates the authentication response.
LambdaConfigType |
Specifies the type of configuration for AWS Lambda triggers.
ListDevicesRequest |
Represents the request to list the devices.
ListDevicesResult |
Represents the response to list devices.
ListGroupsRequest | |
ListGroupsResult | |
ListIdentityProvidersRequest | |
ListIdentityProvidersResult | |
ListResourceServersRequest | |
ListResourceServersResult | |
ListUserImportJobsRequest |
Represents the request to list the user import jobs.
ListUserImportJobsResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to list the user import jobs.
ListUserPoolClientsRequest |
Represents the request to list the user pool clients.
ListUserPoolClientsResult |
Represents the response from the server that lists user pool clients.
ListUserPoolsRequest |
Represents the request to list user pools.
ListUserPoolsResult |
Represents the response to list user pools.
ListUsersInGroupRequest | |
ListUsersInGroupResult | |
ListUsersRequest |
Represents the request to list users.
ListUsersResult |
The response from the request to list users.
MessageTemplateType |
The message template structure.
MFAOptionType |
Specifies the different settings for multi-factor authentication (MFA).
NewDeviceMetadataType |
The new device metadata type.
NumberAttributeConstraintsType |
The minimum and maximum value of an attribute that is of the number data type.
PasswordPolicyType |
The password policy type.
ProviderDescription |
A container for identity provider details.
ProviderUserIdentifierType |
A container for information about an identity provider for a user pool.
ResendConfirmationCodeRequest |
Represents the request to resend the confirmation code.
ResendConfirmationCodeResult |
The response from the server when the Amazon Cognito Your User Pools service makes the request to resend a
confirmation code.
ResourceServerScopeType |
A resource server scope.
ResourceServerType |
A container for information about a resource server for a user pool.
RespondToAuthChallengeRequest |
The request to respond to an authentication challenge.
RespondToAuthChallengeResult |
The response to respond to the authentication challenge.
SchemaAttributeType |
Contains information about the schema attribute.
SetUICustomizationRequest | |
SetUICustomizationResult | |
SetUserSettingsRequest |
Represents the request to set user settings.
SetUserSettingsResult |
The response from the server for a set user settings request.
SignUpRequest |
Represents the request to register a user.
SignUpResult |
The response from the server for a registration request.
SmsConfigurationType |
The SMS configuration type.
StartUserImportJobRequest |
Represents the request to start the user import job.
StartUserImportJobResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to start the user import job.
StopUserImportJobRequest |
Represents the request to stop the user import job.
StopUserImportJobResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to stop the user import job.
StringAttributeConstraintsType |
The type of constraints associated with an attribute of the string type.
UICustomizationType |
A container for the UI customization information for a user pool's built-in app UI.
UpdateDeviceStatusRequest |
Represents the request to update the device status.
UpdateDeviceStatusResult |
The response to the request to update the device status.
UpdateGroupRequest | |
UpdateGroupResult | |
UpdateIdentityProviderRequest | |
UpdateIdentityProviderResult | |
UpdateResourceServerRequest | |
UpdateResourceServerResult | |
UpdateUserAttributesRequest |
Represents the request to update user attributes.
UpdateUserAttributesResult |
Represents the response from the server for the request to update user attributes.
UpdateUserPoolClientRequest |
Represents the request to update the user pool client.
UpdateUserPoolClientResult |
Represents the response from the server to the request to update the user pool client.
UpdateUserPoolRequest |
Represents the request to update the user pool.
UpdateUserPoolResult |
Represents the response from the server when you make a request to update the user pool.
UserImportJobType |
The user import job type.
UserPoolClientDescription |
The description of the user pool client.
UserPoolClientType |
Contains information about a user pool client.
UserPoolDescriptionType |
A user pool description.
UserPoolPolicyType |
The type of policy in a user pool.
UserPoolType |
A container for information about the user pool type.
UserType |
The user type.
VerificationMessageTemplateType |
The template for verification messages.
VerifyUserAttributeRequest |
Represents the request to verify user attributes.
VerifyUserAttributeResult |
A container representing the response from the server from the request to verify user attributes.
Exception | Description |
AliasExistsException |
This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email or phone number that has already been
supplied as an alias from a different account.
AWSCognitoIdentityProviderException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
CodeDeliveryFailureException |
This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.
CodeMismatchException |
This exception is thrown if the provided code does not match what the server was expecting.
ConcurrentModificationException |
This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.
DuplicateProviderException |
This exception is thrown when the provider is already supported by the user pool.
ExpiredCodeException |
This exception is thrown if a code has expired.
GroupExistsException |
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a group that already exists in the user pool.
InternalErrorException |
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.
InvalidEmailRoleAccessPolicyException |
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito is not allowed to use your email identity.
InvalidLambdaResponseException |
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid AWS Lambda response.
InvalidOAuthFlowException |
This exception is thrown when the specified OAuth flow is invalid.
InvalidParameterException |
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.
InvalidPasswordException |
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid password.
InvalidSmsRoleAccessPolicyException |
This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration does not have permission to publish using
Amazon SNS.
InvalidSmsRoleTrustRelationshipException |
This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is invalid for the role provided for SMS configuration.
InvalidUserPoolConfigurationException |
This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is invalid.
LimitExceededException |
This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested AWS resource.
MFAMethodNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito cannot find a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.
NotAuthorizedException |
This exception is thrown when a user is not authorized.
PasswordResetRequiredException |
This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.
PreconditionNotMetException |
This exception is thrown when a precondition is not met.
ResourceNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service cannot find the requested resource.
ScopeDoesNotExistException |
This exception is thrown when the specified scope does not exist.
TooManyFailedAttemptsException |
This exception is thrown when the user has made too many failed attempts for a given action (e.g., sign in).
TooManyRequestsException |
This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.
UnexpectedLambdaException |
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an unexpected exception with the AWS Lambda
UnsupportedIdentityProviderException |
This exception is thrown when the specified identifier is not supported.
UnsupportedUserStateException |
The request failed because the user is in an unsupported state.
UserImportInProgressException |
This exception is thrown when you are trying to modify a user pool while a user import job is in progress for that
UserLambdaValidationException |
This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the AWS Lambda
UsernameExistsException |
This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a user name that already exists in the user pool.
UserNotConfirmedException |
This exception is thrown when a user is not confirmed successfully.
UserNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when a user is not found.
UserPoolTaggingException |
This exception is thrown when a user pool tag cannot be set or updated.
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