Class | Description |
Compliance |
Indicates whether an AWS resource or AWS Config rule is compliant and provides the number of contributors that affect
the compliance.
ComplianceByConfigRule |
Indicates whether an AWS Config rule is compliant.
ComplianceByResource |
Indicates whether an AWS resource that is evaluated according to one or more AWS Config rules is compliant.
ComplianceContributorCount |
The number of AWS resources or AWS Config rules responsible for the current compliance of the item, up to a maximum
ComplianceSummary |
The number of AWS Config rules or AWS resources that are compliant and noncompliant.
ComplianceSummaryByResourceType |
The number of AWS resources of a specific type that are compliant or noncompliant, up to a maximum of 100 for each
ConfigExportDeliveryInfo |
Provides status of the delivery of the snapshot or the configuration history to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
ConfigRule |
An AWS Config rule represents an AWS Lambda function that you create for a custom rule or a predefined function for
an AWS managed rule.
ConfigRuleEvaluationStatus |
Status information for your AWS managed Config rules.
ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties |
Provides options for how often AWS Config delivers configuration snapshots to the Amazon S3 bucket in your delivery
ConfigStreamDeliveryInfo |
A list that contains the status of the delivery of the configuration stream notification to the Amazon SNS topic.
ConfigurationItem |
A list that contains detailed configurations of a specified resource.
ConfigurationRecorder |
An object that represents the recording of configuration changes of an AWS resource.
ConfigurationRecorderStatus |
The current status of the configuration recorder.
DeleteConfigRuleRequest |
DeleteConfigRuleResult | |
DeleteConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The request object for the
DeleteConfigurationRecorder action. |
DeleteConfigurationRecorderResult | |
DeleteDeliveryChannelRequest |
The input for the DeleteDeliveryChannel action.
DeleteDeliveryChannelResult | |
DeleteEvaluationResultsRequest |
DeleteEvaluationResultsResult |
The output when you delete the evaluation results for the specified Config rule.
DeliverConfigSnapshotRequest |
The input for the DeliverConfigSnapshot action.
DeliverConfigSnapshotResult |
The output for the DeliverConfigSnapshot action in JSON format.
DeliveryChannel |
The channel through which AWS Config delivers notifications and updated configuration states.
DeliveryChannelStatus |
The status of a specified delivery channel.
DescribeComplianceByConfigRuleRequest |
DescribeComplianceByConfigRuleResult |
DescribeComplianceByResourceRequest |
DescribeComplianceByResourceResult |
DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatusRequest |
DescribeConfigRuleEvaluationStatusResult |
DescribeConfigRulesRequest |
DescribeConfigRulesResult |
DescribeConfigurationRecordersRequest |
The input for the DescribeConfigurationRecorders action.
DescribeConfigurationRecordersResult |
The output for the DescribeConfigurationRecorders action.
DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusRequest |
The input for the DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus action.
DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatusResult |
The output for the DescribeConfigurationRecorderStatus action in JSON format.
DescribeDeliveryChannelsRequest |
The input for the DescribeDeliveryChannels action.
DescribeDeliveryChannelsResult |
The output for the DescribeDeliveryChannels action.
DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusRequest |
The input for the DeliveryChannelStatus action.
DescribeDeliveryChannelStatusResult |
The output for the DescribeDeliveryChannelStatus action.
Evaluation |
Identifies an AWS resource and indicates whether it complies with the AWS Config rule that it was evaluated against.
EvaluationResult |
The details of an AWS Config evaluation.
EvaluationResultIdentifier |
Uniquely identifies an evaluation result.
EvaluationResultQualifier |
Identifies an AWS Config rule that evaluated an AWS resource, and provides the type and ID of the resource that the
rule evaluated.
GetComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleRequest |
GetComplianceDetailsByConfigRuleResult |
GetComplianceDetailsByResourceRequest |
GetComplianceDetailsByResourceResult |
GetComplianceSummaryByConfigRuleRequest | |
GetComplianceSummaryByConfigRuleResult |
GetComplianceSummaryByResourceTypeRequest |
GetComplianceSummaryByResourceTypeResult |
GetDiscoveredResourceCountsRequest | |
GetDiscoveredResourceCountsResult | |
GetResourceConfigHistoryRequest |
The input for the GetResourceConfigHistory action.
GetResourceConfigHistoryResult |
The output for the GetResourceConfigHistory action.
ListDiscoveredResourcesRequest |
ListDiscoveredResourcesResult |
PutConfigRuleRequest | |
PutConfigRuleResult | |
PutConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The input for the PutConfigurationRecorder action.
PutConfigurationRecorderResult | |
PutDeliveryChannelRequest |
The input for the PutDeliveryChannel action.
PutDeliveryChannelResult | |
PutEvaluationsRequest |
PutEvaluationsResult |
RecordingGroup |
Specifies the types of AWS resource for which AWS Config records configuration changes.
Relationship |
The relationship of the related resource to the main resource.
ResourceCount |
An object that contains the resource type and the number of resources.
ResourceIdentifier |
The details that identify a resource that is discovered by AWS Config, including the resource type, ID, and (if
available) the custom resource name.
Scope |
Defines which resources trigger an evaluation for an AWS Config rule.
Source |
Provides the AWS Config rule owner (AWS or customer), the rule identifier, and the events that trigger the evaluation
of your AWS resources.
SourceDetail |
Provides the source and the message types that trigger AWS Config to evaluate your AWS resources against a rule.
StartConfigRulesEvaluationRequest |
StartConfigRulesEvaluationResult |
The output when you start the evaluation for the specified Config rule.
StartConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The input for the StartConfigurationRecorder action.
StartConfigurationRecorderResult | |
StopConfigurationRecorderRequest |
The input for the StopConfigurationRecorder action.
StopConfigurationRecorderResult |
Exception | Description |
AmazonConfigException |
Base exception for all service exceptions thrown by AWS Config
InsufficientDeliveryPolicyException |
Your Amazon S3 bucket policy does not permit AWS Config to write to it.
InsufficientPermissionsException |
Indicates one of the following errors:
InvalidConfigurationRecorderNameException |
You have provided a configuration recorder name that is not valid.
InvalidDeliveryChannelNameException |
The specified delivery channel name is not valid.
InvalidLimitException |
The specified limit is outside the allowable range.
InvalidNextTokenException |
The specified next token is invalid.
InvalidParameterValueException |
One or more of the specified parameters are invalid.
InvalidRecordingGroupException |
AWS Config throws an exception if the recording group does not contain a valid list of resource types.
InvalidResultTokenException |
The specified
ResultToken is invalid. |
InvalidRoleException |
You have provided a null or empty role ARN.
InvalidS3KeyPrefixException |
The specified Amazon S3 key prefix is not valid.
InvalidSNSTopicARNException |
The specified Amazon SNS topic does not exist.
InvalidTimeRangeException |
The specified time range is not valid.
LastDeliveryChannelDeleteFailedException |
You cannot delete the delivery channel you specified because the configuration recorder is running.
LimitExceededException |
This exception is thrown if an evaluation is in progress or if you call the StartConfigRulesEvaluation API
more than once per minute.
MaxNumberOfConfigRulesExceededException |
Failed to add the AWS Config rule because the account already contains the maximum number of 50 rules.
MaxNumberOfConfigurationRecordersExceededException |
You have reached the limit on the number of recorders you can create.
MaxNumberOfDeliveryChannelsExceededException |
You have reached the limit on the number of delivery channels you can create.
NoAvailableConfigurationRecorderException |
There are no configuration recorders available to provide the role needed to describe your resources.
NoAvailableDeliveryChannelException |
There is no delivery channel available to record configurations.
NoRunningConfigurationRecorderException |
There is no configuration recorder running.
NoSuchBucketException |
The specified Amazon S3 bucket does not exist.
NoSuchConfigRuleException |
One or more AWS Config rules in the request are invalid.
NoSuchConfigurationRecorderException |
You have specified a configuration recorder that does not exist.
NoSuchDeliveryChannelException |
You have specified a delivery channel that does not exist.
ResourceInUseException |
The rule is currently being deleted or the rule is deleting your evaluation results.
ResourceNotDiscoveredException |
You have specified a resource that is either unknown or has not been discovered.
ValidationException |
The requested action is not valid.
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