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Amazon GameLift Service

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Amazon GameLift Service

Amazon GameLift is a managed service for developers who need a scalable, dedicated server solution for their multiplayer games. Amazon GameLift provides tools for the following tasks: (1) acquire computing resources and deploy game servers, (2) scale game server capacity to meet player demand, (3) host game sessions and manage player access, and (4) track in-depth metrics on player usage and server performance.

The Amazon GameLift service API includes two important function sets:

This reference guide describes the low-level service API for Amazon GameLift. You can use the API functionality with these tools:



This list offers a functional overview of the Amazon GameLift service API.

Managing Games and Players

Use these actions to start new game sessions, find existing game sessions, track game session status and other information, and enable player access to game sessions.

Setting Up and Managing Game Servers

When setting up Amazon GameLift resources for your game, you first create a game build and upload it to Amazon GameLift. You can then use these actions to configure and manage a fleet of resources to run your game servers, scale capacity to meet player demand, access performance and utilization metrics, and more.

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