BotAliasMetadata |
Provides information about a bot alias.
BotChannelAssociation |
Represents an association between an Amazon Lex bot and an external messaging platform.
BotMetadata |
Provides information about a bot.
BuiltinIntentMetadata |
Provides metadata for a built-in intent.
BuiltinIntentSlot |
Provides information about a slot used in a built-in intent.
BuiltinSlotTypeMetadata |
Provides information about a built in slot type.
CodeHook |
Specifies a Lambda function that verifies requests to a bot or fulfills the user's request to a bot..
CreateBotVersionRequest |
CreateBotVersionResult |
CreateIntentVersionRequest |
CreateIntentVersionResult |
CreateSlotTypeVersionRequest |
CreateSlotTypeVersionResult |
DeleteBotAliasRequest |
DeleteBotAliasResult |
DeleteBotChannelAssociationRequest |
DeleteBotChannelAssociationResult |
DeleteBotRequest |
DeleteBotResult |
DeleteBotVersionRequest |
DeleteBotVersionResult |
DeleteIntentRequest |
DeleteIntentResult |
DeleteIntentVersionRequest |
DeleteIntentVersionResult |
DeleteSlotTypeRequest |
DeleteSlotTypeResult |
DeleteSlotTypeVersionRequest |
DeleteSlotTypeVersionResult |
DeleteUtterancesRequest |
DeleteUtterancesResult |
EnumerationValue |
Each slot type can have a set of values.
FollowUpPrompt |
A prompt for additional activity after an intent is fulfilled.
FulfillmentActivity |
Describes how the intent is fulfilled after the user provides all of the information required for the intent.
GetBotAliasesRequest |
GetBotAliasesResult |
GetBotAliasRequest |
GetBotAliasResult |
GetBotChannelAssociationRequest |
GetBotChannelAssociationResult |
GetBotChannelAssociationsRequest |
GetBotChannelAssociationsResult |
GetBotRequest |
GetBotResult |
GetBotsRequest |
GetBotsResult |
GetBotVersionsRequest |
GetBotVersionsResult |
GetBuiltinIntentRequest |
GetBuiltinIntentResult |
GetBuiltinIntentsRequest |
GetBuiltinIntentsResult |
GetBuiltinSlotTypesRequest |
GetBuiltinSlotTypesResult |
GetExportRequest |
GetExportResult |
GetIntentRequest |
GetIntentResult |
GetIntentsRequest |
GetIntentsResult |
GetIntentVersionsRequest |
GetIntentVersionsResult |
GetSlotTypeRequest |
GetSlotTypeResult |
GetSlotTypesRequest |
GetSlotTypesResult |
GetSlotTypeVersionsRequest |
GetSlotTypeVersionsResult |
GetUtterancesViewRequest |
GetUtterancesViewResult |
Intent |
Identifies the specific version of an intent.
IntentMetadata |
Provides information about an intent.
Message |
The message object that provides the message text and its type.
Prompt |
Obtains information from the user.
PutBotAliasRequest |
PutBotAliasResult |
PutBotRequest |
PutBotResult |
PutIntentRequest |
PutIntentResult |
PutSlotTypeRequest |
PutSlotTypeResult |
ResourceReference |
Describes the resource that refers to the resource that you are attempting to delete.
Slot |
Identifies the version of a specific slot.
SlotTypeMetadata |
Provides information about a slot type..
Statement |
A collection of messages that convey information to the user.
UtteranceData |
Provides information about a single utterance that was made to your bot.
UtteranceList |
Provides a list of utterances that have been made to a specific version of your bot.