See: Description
Interface | Description |
EncryptionMaterialsAccessor |
Retrieves encryption materials from some source.
EncryptionMaterialsFactory |
Factory for providing the latest encryption materials.
EncryptionMaterialsProvider |
Interface for providing encryption materials.
Grantee |
Represents a grantee (entity) that can be assigned access permissions in an
AccessControlList . |
MaterialsDescriptionProvider |
Interface for providing MaterialsDescription.
ProgressListener | Deprecated
ProgressListener instead. |
S3AccelerateUnsupported |
This interface is simply a marker to be implemented by operations which cannot be
called by an accelerate enabled S3 client.
S3DataSource |
Used to represent an S3 data source that either has a file or an input
SSEAwsKeyManagementParamsProvider |
Implemented by classes that support the option of using SSE with AWS Key
Management System.
SSECustomerKeyProvider |
Implemented by classes that support the option of using SSE Customer key.
Class | Description |
AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload |
Specifies the days since the initiation of an Incomplete Multipart Upload that Lifecycle will wait before permanently removing all parts of the upload.
AbortMultipartUploadRequest |
The AbortMultipartUploadRequest contains the parameters used for the
AbortMultipartUpload method.
AbstractPutObjectRequest |
Abstract base class for a put object or put object like request.
AccessControlList |
Represents an Amazon S3 Access Control List (ACL), including the ACL's set of
grantees and the permissions assigned to each grantee.
AccessControlTranslation |
Container for information regarding the access control for replicas.
Bucket |
Represents an Amazon S3 bucket.
BucketAccelerateConfiguration |
Represents the accelerate configuration for a bucket.
BucketCrossOriginConfiguration | |
BucketLifecycleConfiguration |
Container for bucket lifecycle configuration operations.
BucketLifecycleConfiguration.NoncurrentVersionTransition |
The non-current-version transition attribute of the rule, describing
how non-current versions of objects will move between different storage
classes in Amazon S3.
BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Rule | |
BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Transition |
The transition attribute of the rule describing how this object will move
between different storage classes in Amazon S3.
BucketLoggingConfiguration |
Represents bucket logging configuration used to control bucket-based server
access logging in Amazon S3.
BucketNotificationConfiguration |
Represents a bucket's notification configuration.
BucketNotificationConfiguration.TopicConfiguration | Deprecated
instead |
BucketPolicy |
Represents a Amazon S3 bucket policy.
BucketReplicationConfiguration |
Replication configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
BucketTaggingConfiguration | |
BucketVersioningConfiguration |
Represents the versioning configuration for a bucket.
BucketWebsiteConfiguration |
Bucket configuration options for hosting static websites entirely out of
Amazon S3.
CanonicalGrantee |
Represents a grantee identified by their canonical Amazon ID.
CloudFunctionConfiguration | Deprecated
LambdaConfiguration instead |
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest |
Container for the parameters of the CompleteMultipartUpload operation.
CompleteMultipartUploadResult |
The CompleteMultipartUploadResult contains all the information about the
CompleteMultipartUpload method.
CopyObjectRequest |
Provides options for copying an Amazon S3 object
from a source location to a new destination.
CopyObjectResult |
Contains the data returned by Amazon S3 from the
AmazonS3.copyObject(CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest) call. |
CopyPartRequest |
Provides options for copying an Amazon S3 object from a source location to a
part of a multipart upload.
CopyPartResult |
Result of the copy part operation.
CORSRule |
Container for rules of cross origin configuration.
CreateBucketRequest |
Provides options for creating an Amazon S3 bucket.
CryptoConfiguration |
Stores configuration parameters that will be used during encryption and
decryption by the Amazon S3 Encryption Client.
DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest |
Request object to delete an analytics configuration.
DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to delete a bucket's cross origin configuration.
DeleteBucketEncryptionRequest |
Represents the input of a
DeleteBucketEncryption operation. |
DeleteBucketEncryptionResult |
Represents the output of a
DeleteBucketEncryption operation. |
DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest |
Request object to delete an inventory configuration.
DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to delete a bucket's lifecycle configuration.
DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest |
Request object to delete a metrics configuration from a bucket.
DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
DeleteBucketPolicyRequest |
Deletes the policy associated with the specified bucket.
DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to delete a bucket's replication
DeleteBucketRequest |
Provides options for deleting a specified bucket.
DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to delete a bucket's tagging configuration.
DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to delete a bucket's website configuration.
DeleteObjectRequest |
Provides options for deleting a specified object in a specified bucket.
DeleteObjectsRequest |
Provides options for deleting multiple objects in a specified bucket.
DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion |
A key to delete, with an optional version attribute.
DeleteObjectsResult |
Successful response to
AmazonS3.deleteObjects(DeleteObjectsRequest) . |
DeleteObjectsResult.DeletedObject |
A successfully deleted object.
DeleteObjectTaggingRequest |
Request object for the parameters to delete the tags for an object.
DeleteObjectTaggingResult |
Contains all the information returned from performing a
DeleteObjectTaggingRequest . |
DeleteVersionRequest |
Provides options for deleting a specific version of an object in the specified bucket.
EmailAddressGrantee |
Represents an e-mail grantee.
EncryptedGetObjectRequest |
An extension of
GetObjectRequest to allow additional encryption
material description to be specified on a per-request basis. |
EncryptedInitiateMultipartUploadRequest |
This class is an extension of
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest to allow
additional crypto related attributes to be specified. |
EncryptedPutObjectRequest |
This class is an extension of
PutObjectRequest to allow additional
encryption material description to be specified on a per-request basis.In
particular, EncryptedPutObjectRequest is only recognized by
AmazonS3EncryptionClient . |
EncryptionConfiguration |
Container for information regarding encryption based configuration for replicas.
EncryptionMaterials |
The "key encrypting key" materials used in encrypt/decryption.
ExtraMaterialsDescription |
Used to provide additional/supplemental material description (typically on a
per-request basis and for more advanced use-case) to supplement the one
stored in S3 for crypto material retrieval.
Filter |
Defines a set of filter criteria that limits the objects that can trigger event notifications
FilterRule |
Model class representing a Filter Rule for a
NotificationConfiguration . |
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest |
Contains options to generate a pre-signed URL for an Amazon S3 resource.
GenericBucketRequest |
Generic request container for web service requests on buckets.
GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's accelerate configuration.
GetBucketAclRequest |
Request object containing all the options for requesting a bucket's Access Control List (ACL).
GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest |
Request object to get an analytics configuration.
GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
GetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's cross origin configuration.
GetBucketEncryptionRequest |
Represents the input of a
GetBucketEncryption operation. |
GetBucketEncryptionResult |
Represents the output of a
GetBucketEncryption operation. |
GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest |
Request object to retrieve an inventory configuration.
GetBucketInventoryConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's lifecycle configuration.
GetBucketLocationRequest |
Provides options for requesting an Amazon S3 bucket's location.
GetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's logging configuration.
GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest |
Request object to retrieve metrics configuration from a bucket.
GetBucketMetricsConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's notification
GetBucketPolicyRequest |
Gets the policy for the specified bucket.
GetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's replication
GetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's tagging configuration.
GetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get a bucket's versioning configuration.
GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to retrieve a bucket's website
GetObjectAclRequest |
Provide options to get an object ACL.
GetObjectMetadataRequest |
Provides options for obtaining the metadata for the specified Amazon S3
object without actually fetching the object contents.
GetObjectRequest |
Provides options for downloading an Amazon S3 object.
GetObjectTaggingRequest |
Request object for the parameters to get the tags for an object.
GetObjectTaggingResult |
Contains all the information returned from performing a
GetObjectTaggingRequest . |
GetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest |
Request object for fetching the request payment configuration associated with
an Amazon S3 bucket.
GetS3AccountOwnerRequest |
Request object for retrieving S3 account owner.
GlacierJobParameters |
Glacier related prameters pertaining to a job.
Grant |
Specifies a grant, consisting of one grantee and one permission.
HeadBucketRequest |
Request object for checking if the bucket exists and the user has access to
the given bucket.
HeadBucketResult |
Result object for Head Bucket request.
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest |
The InitiateMultipartUploadRequest contains the parameters used for the
InitiateMultipartUpload method.
InitiateMultipartUploadResult |
Contains the results of initiating a multipart upload, particularly the
unique ID of the new multipart upload.
InstructionFileId |
The S3 object identifier for an instruction file.
KMSEncryptionMaterials |
KMS specific encryption materials.
KMSEncryptionMaterialsProvider | |
LambdaConfiguration |
Represents the lambda configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket notification.
LegacyS3ProgressListener | Deprecated |
ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsRequest |
Request object to list the analytics configurations of a bucket.
ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsRequest |
Request object to list inventory configurations of a bucket.
ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest |
Request object to list the metrics configurations of a bucket.
ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
ListBucketsRequest |
Request object for listing all the Amazon S3 buckets owned by a user.
ListMultipartUploadsRequest |
Container for the parameters of the ListMultipartUploads operation.
ListNextBatchOfObjectsRequest |
Request object for parameters of listing next batch of objects.
ListNextBatchOfVersionsRequest |
Request object for the parameters to list next batch of versions.
ListObjectsRequest |
Contains options to return a list of summary information about the objects in the specified
ListObjectsV2Request |
Request to retrieve a listing of objects in an S3 bucket.
ListObjectsV2Result |
Results of a listing of objects from an S3 bucket.
ListPartsRequest |
Container for the the parameters of the ListParts operation.
ListVersionsRequest |
Provides options for returning
a list of summary information about the versions in a specified
MultiFactorAuthentication |
Contains Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) information to be included
in Amazon S3 requests,
consisting of the serial number of the MFA device associated with your AWS
account and the current, unique MFA token generated by that device.
MultiObjectDeleteException.DeleteError |
An error that occurred when deleting an object.
MultipartUpload |
A multipart upload is an upload to Amazon S3 that is creating by uploading
individual pieces of an object, then telling Amazon S3 to complete the
multipart upload and concatenate all the individual pieces together into a
single object.
MultipartUploadListing |
The ListMultipartUploadsResponse contains all the information about the
ListMultipartUploads method.
NotificationConfiguration |
An abstract class for all the notification configurations associated with an Amazon S3 bucket.
ObjectListing |
Contains the results of listing the objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.
ObjectMetadata |
Represents the object metadata that is stored with Amazon S3.
ObjectTagging |
The tagging for an object.
Owner |
Represents the owner of an Amazon S3 bucket.
PartETag |
Container for the part number and ETag of an uploaded part.
PartListing |
The ListPartsResponse contains all the information about the ListParts
PartSummary |
Container for summary information about a part in a multipart upload, such as
part number, size, etc.
ProgressEvent | Deprecated
Replaced by
ProgressEvent |
PutInstructionFileRequest |
Used to create a new instruction file, typically used to share an encrypted
S3 object with partners via re-encrypting the CEK of the specified S3 object
with a partner-specific public key.
PutObjectRequest |
Uploads a new object to the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
PutObjectResult |
Contains the data returned by Amazon S3 from the
operation. |
QueueConfiguration |
Represents the queue configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
RedirectRule |
Container for redirect information.
ReplicationDestinationConfig |
Destination configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket replication rule.
ReplicationRule |
Rule that specifies the replication configuration.
RequestPaymentConfiguration |
The Request Payment Configuration associated with an Amazon S3 bucket.
ResponseHeaderOverrides |
Container object for overriding headers on a
GetObjectRequest or
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest response. |
RestoreObjectRequest |
Request object containing all the options for restoring an object, which was transitioned to the Amazon Glacier
from S3 when it was expired.
RoutingRule |
Container for one routing rule that identifies a condition and a redirect
that applies when the condition is met.
RoutingRuleCondition |
A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified
redirect to apply.
S3KeyFilter |
Filter criteria that allows for event notification filtering based on an S3 Object's key name
S3Object |
Represents an object stored in Amazon S3.
S3ObjectId |
An Immutable S3 object identifier.
S3ObjectIdBuilder |
Convenient builder for
S3ObjectId . |
S3ObjectInputStream |
Input stream representing the content of an
S3Object . |
S3ObjectSummary |
Contains the summary of an object stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
S3VersionSummary |
Contains the summary of a version stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
ServerSideEncryptionByDefault |
Describes the default server-side encryption to apply to new objects in the bucket.
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration |
Container for server-side encryption configuration rules.
ServerSideEncryptionRule |
SSE configuration rule.
SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the accelerate configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketAclRequest |
Request object containing all the options for setting a bucket's Access Control List (ACL).
SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest |
Request object to set analytics configuration to a bucket.
SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the cross origin configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketEncryptionRequest |
Represents the input of a
PutBucketEncryption operation. |
SetBucketEncryptionResult |
Represents the output of a
PutBucketEncryption operation. |
SetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest |
Request object to set an inventory configuration to a bucket.
SetBucketInventoryConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the lifecycle configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the logging configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest |
Request object to set metrics configuration to a bucket.
SetBucketMetricsConfigurationResult |
Result object to contain the response returned from
operation. |
SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the notification configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketPolicyRequest |
Sets the policy associated with the specified bucket.
SetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest | |
SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the tagging configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest |
Contains options for setting the versioning configuration for a bucket.
SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest |
Request object for the parameters to set a bucket's website configuration.
SetObjectAclRequest |
Request object containing all the options for setting a object's Access
Control List (ACL).
SetObjectTaggingRequest |
Request object for the parameters to set the tags for an object.
SetObjectTaggingResult |
Contains all the information returned from performing a
SetObjectTaggingRequest . |
SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest |
Request object for setting the request payment configuration associated with
an Amazon S3 bucket.
SimpleMaterialProvider | |
SourceSelectionCriteria |
Container for filters that define which source objects should be replicated.
SSEAwsKeyManagementParams | |
SSECustomerKey |
Represents a customer provided key for use with Amazon S3 server-side
SseKmsEncryptedObjects |
Container for filter information of selection of KMS Encrypted S3 objects.
StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider |
Simple implementation of EncryptionMaterialsProvider that just wraps static
Tag |
Represents a tag on a resource.
TagSet | |
TopicConfiguration |
Represents the topic configuration for an Amazon S3 bucket.
UploadObjectRequest |
Used to request the client-side encryption and upload of a large S3 object
via pipelined parallel multi-part uploads.
UploadPartRequest |
Contains the parameters used for the UploadPart operation on Amazon S3.
UploadPartResult |
Contains the details returned from Amazon S3 after calling the UploadPart
VersionListing |
Contains the results of listing the versions in an Amazon S3 bucket,
including a list of
S3VersionSummary objects describing each version,
information describing if this is a complete or partial listing, and the
original request parameters. |
WebsiteConfiguration |
Enum | Description |
BucketAccelerateStatus |
Represents the current accelerate status for a bucket.
CannedAccessControlList |
Specifies constants defining a canned access control list.
CORSRule.AllowedMethods |
Enumeration of names of the all the allowed methods.
CryptoMode |
Denotes the different cryptographic modes available for securing an S3 object
via client-side encryption.
CryptoStorageMode |
Denotes the different storage modes available for storing the encryption
information that accompanies encrypted objects in S3.
ExtraMaterialsDescription.ConflictResolution |
Used to resolve conflicts when merging the additional material
description to the core material description.
GroupGrantee |
Specifies constants defining a group of Amazon S3 users
who can be granted permissions to
Amazon S3 buckets and objects.
MetadataDirective |
Specifies whether the metadata is copied from the source object or replaced with metadata provided in the request
OwnerOverride |
The override value for the owner of the replica object.
Permission |
Specifies constants defining an access permission,
as granted to grantees in an
AccessControlList . |
Region |
Specifies constants that define Amazon S3 Regions.
ReplicationRuleStatus |
A enum class for status of a Amazon S3 bucket replication rule.
RequestPaymentConfiguration.Payer | |
S3DataSource.Utils |
S3DataSource specific utilities. |
S3Event |
A enum class for all Amazon S3 events.
S3KeyFilter.FilterRuleName |
Allowable values for the name of a
FilterRule for an S3KeyFilter |
SSEAlgorithm |
Server-side Encryption Algorithm.
SseKmsEncryptedObjectsStatus |
Replication status for KMS encrypted objects.
StorageClass |
Specifies constants that define Amazon S3 storage classes.
Tier |
Glacier retrieval tier at which the restore will be processed.
Exception | Description |
AmazonS3Exception |
Provides an extension of the AmazonServiceException
for errors reported by Amazon S3 while
processing a request.
MultiObjectDeleteException |
Exception for partial or total failure of the multi-object delete API,
including the errors that occurred.
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